在最近的会议上。在结束过程中,马斯克(Elon Musk)所说的“为意识之光而战”是什么意思?意识一词对他来说非常重要

what does Elon meant by "Fight for the light of consciousness" ?

沐风 2020-12-27 1859 0 0

In the recent meeting. During closing, what does Elon meant by "Fight for the light of consciousness" ? The word consciousness seems to be very important for him


Knowing him, probably a poetic way of saying free thought. Making your own opinions and not being swayed by the popular opinion of the masses. Something like that.

level 1

Consciousness is the essence of humanity and its what distinguishes us from every other life on earth. We are the only known example of consciousness in the universe so it makes sense to hedge our bets by putting humans on Mars.

level 2

And to protect ourselves from AI overtaking us and possibly destroying us.

level 1

What he is trying to say is that we have not found intelligent live in the outer space (although I believe there are more intelligent beings out there, we just don't have the mental faculty to comprehend their existence). Since Earth's days are numbered because our energy source (the Sun) will eventually stop generating power(in a few million or billion years). But due to how thing are going on this plant, we might not even make to a few thousand years due to Global Warming. Also we might not even make it to few hundred years if another World War occurs. Seeing we are the only intelligent live forms and we're all concentrated here on Earth, there is a huge risk of the extinction of consciousness if things go south here. Which is why he's trying to save consciousness through the companies he runs....


更新于:2020-12-27 09:54:27
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    在最近的会议上。在结束过程中,马斯克(Elon Musk)所说的“为意识之光而...

    what does Elon meant by "Fight for the light of consciousness" ?



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